Saturday, February 27, 2010

Midnight Sun Espresso Stout, Yukon Brewing Company, YK

It was cheap, only $13.95 for 6, and I've never had a beer from the Yukon. It's horrid. I couldn't finish my first bottle, and gave the other's away. Maybe somebody else likes coffee flavoured beer, but not me. It doesn't taste so much like coffee, but more like coffee grounds. Yuck.

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Ladies of Grace Adieu, Susanna Clark

And other stories.

Dune, Frank Herbert


Nation, Terry Pratchett

Marzen, Russel Brewing, BC

Thomas gave me this one, I think he's trying to convert me to german style beers.

He's doing OK. Their lagers seem sweeter and more flavourful than the style you get here.

Deadhead Barley Wine 09, Phillips, BC

At 10%, mildly alcoholic. It was ok.

Acme California Pale Ale, North Coast Brewing, CA

Good, slightly malty, not as good as the Stouts, or the Pranqster.

Old Rasputin XII Russian Imperial Stout, North Coast Brewing, CA

Wow. Fabulous.

Like the Rasputin, but better.