Monday, April 21, 2008


Hm. Short pieces.

I'll go Tuesday night.

I've seen one of these before. Some of the pieces should be good, and the others should be short. Also, the ANZA club has beer. Good beer.


Ok. Saw the show. Well, they had lousy beer. Don't drink the beer.

But the show was great!

Incredibly eclectic. Almost no dance. Some video, a chef, a great piece that attempts to rehabilitate Michael Jackson, crazy costumes, and the three girls who presented did a rotating presentation of clothes from local designers. Short skirts are back in, which is never bad. And did I mention the chef? I've never seen culinary art performed like that.

It is showing April 23rd and 24th, too.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Killarney Stout, Granville Island Brewing, BC

A limited release from GI. Too bad, its good!

Apparently its the "Official beer of CelticFest Vancouver".

650ml and 5% ABV

Monday, April 14, 2008

Lucy's here

So, my niece was finally pulled from her mother (who is recovering nicely and enjoying Lucy immensely) weekend before last. My theory for her tardiness is that she didn't know how much fun we are going to have. Anyhow, she sleeps a lot, but likes to play when she's awake. Training has started - she can already do a military press against my little fingers, so she's well on the way to becoming monstrously strong.

Honda Fit, 2008

And now we have a vehicle that Julie can drive, and that I can trust to go "there and back again". With cool folding seats. Cute girls not part of base model, you have to know their parents.

The getting of this car was an amazing multi-day ordeal that I hope not repeat for a long, long time.

But hey, summer is coming, the cherry trees are blooming, and we're ready to go camping!

Chevy S-10, 1994

Well, the Chevy S-10 1994 is gone. No more BBQs out of the truck bed in the parking lot of the climber's campground under the Chief. No more tears as I try and cajole Julie into learning to drive standard, either. I guess I won't miss it.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Cendre de Lune, Fromage Cote, BC

Picked this up at l'Amis du Fromage on the 1/2 price shelf. It expired on March 29, I love expired cheese. The tasting guide on the side of it describes its state as "fait a coeur", done to the heart. It has ripened almost to the point of runny, it melts across the knife and the tongue, and the rind has some sharpness to contrast with the richness of the cheese. It looks strange from the outside, particularly because ashes were use to cure it, I guess.

Full name is Cendre de Lune du Village de Warwick. Bit of a mouthful.