Thursday, August 28, 2008

thailand, friday

ok, the jetlag is horrendous, we're sleeping well over 10 hours a night, and still exhausted. Hopefully I'm adjusting, but a 14 hour lag is hard.

the climbing is fabulous, overhanging fairy worlds of stalactites and tufas, belaying from the beach. it rains sometimes, even a thunderstorm one night, but the rock is so overhanging it just cools the air down

in the pm its so humid that I drip sweat just from walking.

got a sunburn :-(. no sunscreen because we were in the shade, but it was cloudy and I didn't notice when the sun moved out... yes, you can get sunburn through cloud cover I know believe

food is great, lots of fish, coconut curry

internet way expensive, its pretty rustic. many places closed, this is construction season, getting prepared for high season! No wireless, electricity from 6pm to 6am.
No way to upload photos, yet. Maybe later.

Seen one 3 foot green snake, and one giant spider that looks like a beautiful golden beetle, with 4 inch crab like legs.

elbow still sore, but appears to be strong.


Anonymous said...


Merci pour les nouvelles. Nous sommes à Pohénégamook pour la fin de semaine du travail.

Bonne grimpe et bonne bouffe!


cmr said...

Hi Thailand. You sound happy never mind the sun, snake and heat. I remember that kind of humidity in Cuba. We await tales of elephants, orchids and florescent frogs. C

Anonymous said...

Congrats on arriving safely and climbing already! I'm a bit envious (here is rain, rain, su.. rain).

The solution for jetlag is beer, food and sleep (though not necessarily in that order!)
