Sunday, January 25, 2009

Dances for a Small Stage 20, BC

Saw the program B, most of it, of Dances for a Small Stage.

Not great. In fairness, showing up after 3 hours at the Alibi room sampling the taps was ill-planned, its hard to focus, and the darkness puts me to sleep.

Still, the pieces, not so great.

  1. Cori Caulfield - not sure what the point was, it seemed to be "I'm really hot, and I have a tiny top", which is true, but not such great dance, mostly a prolonged wiggle.

  2. A piece not on the online program, choreographed by Crystal Pite?, also not too sure what the point was, maybe "pink wigs with four foot hair are cool, and I'm beautiful", which is true, but the movement was only a bit more interesting than the first.

  3. Tedd Robinson - he's weird! Budha statues in suit cases! Fans, blowing blue feathers, strange oriental kimonos, and done by the time he walked to the center of the stage. WTF? But who cares, not boring, not pretentious, then its over!

  4. Wen Wei Wang- "I've got a rose sticking out of my pants like a hardon, and I'm rubbing little pink shoes up and down my crotch - are you wondering what's going on?". Uh, yeah, I am.

  5. Chengxin Wei - "I can dance". Ok. Why?

Mostly, I don't ask "why", because the answer should be "why not?". Not everything needs a purpose. But once I'm bored, I start to. Its not clear why some people are on stage. Dancers are a pleasure to see, they move well, they've years of training, incredibly fit... but thats not enough reason to show up on stage. Or maybe it is, but not enough reason for me to watch.

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