Sunday, January 27, 2008

Spy Porter, Tree Brewing, BC

Not very hoppy, bit of a head (not as much as Mike's beer, but who's comparing?), smooth, and tasty. I liked it, Julie did, too.

I'm trying to taste all the dark beer made in BC, for fun. Also, to see if I can tell the difference between them, what are the best beers, particularly what are the best for the price. Maybe I should try and find when each beer was started to be produced, as well, as I've a theory that BC breweries are starting to produce more interesting beers after a bit of a blah period.

The problem with prices is that I've no memory for numbers... so, I'm just going to look up prices on, and use that as a price. Probably beer and wine stores are more expensive.

So, to start: 650mL, 5% ABV, $4.91, $7.55/L

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